What a Difference ...

... a Day Week Makes Weeks sometimes feel like days. And sometimes like years. There is so much going on here with work, duty, activities, friends, fitness, and fun that time really flies by. But at the same time I feel like I'm packing so much experience into such a small space that I am convinced that the two months I've lived here are somehow equivalent to several years worth of my past. This struck me the most over the last week - due in part to the dramatic climate change in Leysin. Last Saturday, I woke up to loads of snow that had been accumulating for the previous two days. The trees were covered, the mountains snow capped, and the trails white and crisp. I had planned my first ever horseback riding experience with my friend and her mother who was visiting for the weekend. We had one hour with three very pleasant Swiss horses. Mine was named Alex. We traveled on part of the Hesana trail in Leysin and encountered some of the most beautiful scenery you can ...