Summer 2014 Recap

Although I returned to Switzerland only two months ago, I feel like it has been ages since I went on my miraculous summer adventure. I got so deep into work so quickly (yes, friends, I really do work, I promise) that I just moved on to the next thing without taking a moment to reflect. This became really clear to me when I was on the phone with my mother a week ago. She asked "How many countries have you been to since you moved? Your aunt and I counted and we think it's 11." "No way!" I replied. "It's less than that, isn't it? Let me count." "Italy (x2), England, Spain (x3), France, Germany, Austria, Czech Republic, Hungary, and this past weekend, Belgium. Oh, and Switzerland, of course." I said. It's 10. Mom and Aunt were counting my stopover in Moscow as the 11th, but I never left the airport. And so, it is 10. Not bad for 14 months time. I spent a bit that night going through my photos from the last 14 months of l...