Finger Lakes 2013 Tour - Part 1: "Ithaca is Gorges"

Ithaca Falls at twilight. I am so fortunate to have friendships with other musicians that span generations, genres, gender, and the globe. They tend to fair well over time, I'm sure partially because they are founded on a deep mutual interest but also because I find these people so darn amusing and interesting (so I like to keep them around). Musicians (amateurs, students, and professionals alike) create my largest and most diverse network - I've got them practically everywhere - and I like to think this is because musicians are fairly nomadic people. We tend to take gigs where we can get them, we enjoy travel, and we (well, at least me) don't settle easily. One of my oldest (not in age, but in length of time that I've known this punk) musician friends is conveniently located in Ithaca between my childhood home and my aunt's home north of Lake Seneca, so I planned a short stay at his place while heading to a family reunion this past weekend. Ithaca is a fa...