Finger Lakes 2013 Tour - Part 1: "Ithaca is Gorges"

Ithaca Falls at twilight. 
I am so fortunate to have friendships with other musicians that span generations, genres, gender, and the globe. They tend to fair well over time, I'm sure partially because they are founded on a deep mutual interest but also because I find these people so darn amusing and interesting (so I like to keep them around). Musicians (amateurs, students, and professionals alike) create my largest and most diverse network - I've got them practically everywhere  - and I like to think this is because musicians are fairly nomadic people. We tend to take gigs where we can get them, we enjoy travel, and we (well, at least me) don't settle easily.

One of my oldest (not in age, but in length of time that I've known this punk) musician friends is conveniently located in Ithaca between my childhood home and my aunt's home north of Lake Seneca, so I planned a short stay at his place while heading to a family reunion this past weekend.

Ithaca is a fantasy land with waterfalls and gorges that pop up in unimaginable places - like two blocks behind an Elementary school (Ithaca Falls, above) or smack dab in the middle of town (Cascadilla, see below). It's fascinating and wonderful and I still can't get over its striking, yet simple, beauty.

I know I haven't seen even a fraction of this remarkable and fascinating place, but here are a few of my favorite spots.

For Pure WaterFall-y Goodness

For A Taste of the Old World
1st Dam of Six Mile Creek (Van Natta Pumping Station)

For An Easy Stroll

For A Serious Climb

For A Dizzying Change of Perspective

Top L: 1st Dam, Top R: Cascadilla, Bottom: Ithaca Falls

Taughannock Falls
Amongst all of this natural beauty, Ithaca is a vibrant and quirky town with two higher education facilities (Cornell University and Ithaca College, respectively), some wonderful restaurants, great wine, and local brews. There are hidden gems everywhere; e.g. these geese who chased me around at the pond by Muller Chapel or the delightful Harp player who entertained during my evening stroll downtown. 

Top: The one in the front really had it out for me.
Bottom: Wonderful Harpist entertaining downtown. 

"Ithaca is Gorges!"

A la prochaine,



  1. I could go for some Ithaca Apricot Wheat right now.. if you are still in the area, can you leave a 6-pack at home? I'll be in Shamokin in the last week of August (unfortunately, after you leave I think). Have a safe trip!

    1. Sorry, Nate, I've already left town! Maybe next time. :)


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