
Today marks 4 weeks since my arrival in Leysin and on Monday, it will be a full month since touch down.

Time has really flown by and I think I've finally settled into a rhythm but there are constant ups and downs and new things to learn. It isn't easy, but I'm growing and learning every day and I love it!

I remember walking down to the local grocery store on my second day in Leysin. I was grinning from ear to ear - anxious to try a bit of French, look at the local items, and make my first purchase with the crisp and colorful Francs in my pocket. And then I got there, and I felt like every bit of background knowledge I had on what was what and how to get it went immediately out of my head. Why had I come to store? What was the word for "milk" again? How do I say "thank you" in French?

I panicked.


I stood in the chocolate aisle (a great place to hang out, I think), took a few calming breaths and thought, "this will get easier and familiar. I just need time."

It's a month later, and I can now walk into the local shops without crippling fear. Some days are easier than others. There are moments when I feel at home and others when I feel lost. But in all, it's exciting, fresh, and new.

Today I watched a helicopter deliver construction supplies to a nearby village from my apartment balcony. It's the only way to get these bulky items up the mountain. No book or website can prepare you for moments like these. You just have to watch and learn.

Here are some of the most interesting and surprising moments from the first 4 weeks in Switzerland:

1) The cows, goats, llamas, and sheep really are everywhere. And the cattle do wear bells. And they are LOUD.

2) Finding materials and placing orders online is difficult. No amount of swiss market research could have prepared me for how hard it is to get the simplest things.

3) Because you can't get what you want when you want it - it's much easier to learn to do without.

4) When you do find something you need, the packaging and usage is different. It took me several days to figure out that my mouthwash measures out a perfect capful by simply squeezing the bottle.

5) Everywhere I walk in Leysin is either UPHILL or DOWNHILL. Which means walking is either wonderful or pure torture.

6) I'm taking very few pictures here. I guess when you are trying to "feel at home" you first have to stop acting like a tourist. 

7) I did take a few, so enjoy the shots below.

Eagle's Nest - View of Lac Leman (Lake Geneva) from the mid point of a weekday run in the Alps.

Standing outside of Trummelbach Falls in the Lauterbrunnen Valley.

Lauterbrunnen Valley as seen from inside Trummelbach.

Panorama View from my balcony as the clouds rolled by.

 A la prochaine,



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