Je commence mon cours.
I start my course. Ive just completed by 3rd full day of living in France and my first day of classes at the institute. Things are going very well thus far but I'm very very very tired. I'm sure I'm really just overwhelmed by everything and it's making me fatigued, but nonetheless, it's only 930 and I'm practically comatose. Some great things have already happened since my arrival. First, I'm navigating my surroundings well enough and my rather basic French is getting me what I need when I need it. On Saturday I visited one of the larger markets at Les Halles, and fought my way amongst a crowd of genteel elderly French people to buy shaved Parmesan, 6 eggs, 250g of strawberries, a baguette, fresh butter, 3 avocados, spinach stuffed ravioli, and olive oil. Everything came from a different vendor so that's at least 8 attempts at communication. I also navigated the trams to visit a cheap home goods store called Tati. I swear it's just like the...