Je commence mon cours.

I start my course.

Ive just completed by 3rd full day of living in France and my first day of classes at the institute. Things are going very well thus far but I'm very very very tired. I'm sure I'm really just overwhelmed by everything and it's making me fatigued, but nonetheless, it's only 930 and I'm practically comatose. 

Some great things have already happened since my arrival. First, I'm navigating my surroundings well enough and my rather basic French is getting me what I need when I need it. On Saturday I visited one of the larger markets at Les Halles, and fought my way amongst a crowd of genteel elderly French people to buy shaved Parmesan, 6 eggs, 250g of strawberries, a baguette, fresh butter, 3 avocados, spinach stuffed ravioli, and olive oil. Everything came from a different vendor so that's at least 8 attempts at communication. I also navigated the trams to visit a cheap home goods store called Tati. I swear it's just like the inside of a dollar general, expect that everything is in French and it's not quite as cheap. Anyway, the tiny flat I'm staying in needed some sprucing up (if I'm going to avoid a complete meltdown) so I bought an entry rug, a coffee mug (on arrival there was exactly one of everything - one towel, one cup, one spoon, one bowl, and so on), and a few other bits and bobs.

On Sunday I wandered towards the tourist office for some pamphlets and fell upon another market, a beautiful park, and a lovely lunch spot where I enjoyed a Croque Monsieur avec salade et un gâteau aux abricots. After this exquisite meal, I visited a fleuriste and bought a lovely orchid for my flat and returned home to take a long siesta. I woke up feeling the need to move around so I laced up my trainers and thus ran the fastest 5k I've run....EVER. I have no idea what came over me, but I just felt fast. 24:30. 

Today was the first day of classes, which consisted of an oral assessment, 3 hours of grammar, and 90 minutes of oral practice after lunch. I tested into the A2+, which is essentially advanced beginner on the border of intermediate. So far, it's dead on with where I need to be. I'm understanding most everything right away and am finally being forced to speak. Already I can feel myself thinking differently, and things seem to be coming rapidly. Also, after two weeks there is the possibility of advancing to intermediate, so we shall see. I'm one of the few students here for 4 weeks, and I'm taking an additional 5 hours a week of class, so I have high hopes for myself, 

On a side note, it's been a darn long time since I've been a student. I was sort of pleased to buy notebooks and colored pens this afternoon, and set about 2 hours of revision and redrafting my scribbles from today's sessions. It felt sorta good!

Lastly, I realized there are no visual delights in these posts yet. Truth is, I'm having a hard time taking photos here. I remember feeling exactly the same way when I moved to Switzerland. I think when I try to settle in somewhere, I do just that - settle in - constantly having my camera at the ready just doesn't make me feel like I'm home. 

Be patient. Photos and all other sorts of witty banter are headed your way.

That's all for now.

A la prochaine,



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