And today I did nothing.

I'm on day 17 of this miraculous journey and quite frankly I need a little vacation from this vacation. So today I took a break. I haven't visited a single point of interest and I haven't travelled more than 3 blocks from my hostel. I sat at a park and tried to even out my shorts tan (I failed, it's cloudy today), I gave my body some much needed "good stuff" (tea, chia seed and yogurt breakfast, mixed nuts, plenty of water, and soon a big salad), and I set about doing some lesson planning for the coming year (after all, I do have to go back to work eventually). I know a few of you are probably reading this and scoffing. How can I waste a perfectly good day in Vienna ?! Well, I can assure I haven't forgotten how great this all is and how fortunate I am but I'm really just a bit worn out. If anything, I needed a change of pace for the sake of making the last 6 days as amazing as possible. Why am I worn out? Firstly, I didn't account for how hard t...