And today I did nothing.

I'm on day 17 of this miraculous journey and quite frankly I need a little vacation from this vacation. So today I took a break. I haven't visited a single point of interest and I haven't travelled more than 3 blocks from my hostel. I sat at a park and tried to even out my shorts tan (I failed, it's cloudy today), I gave my body some much needed "good stuff" (tea, chia seed and yogurt breakfast, mixed nuts, plenty of water, and soon a big salad), and I set about doing some lesson planning for the coming year (after all, I do have to go back to work eventually). 

I know a few of you are probably reading this and scoffing. How can I waste a perfectly good day in Vienna?! Well, I can assure I haven't forgotten how great this all is and how fortunate I am but I'm really just a bit worn out. If anything, I needed a change of pace for the sake of making the last 6 days as amazing as possible. 

Why am I worn out? 

Firstly, I didn't account for how hard this trip would be on my legs. Literally, hard. Like, miles and miles and miles of concrete and uneven walkways hard. I run a lot so I didn't think much of it, but I generally run a mix of terrain and try to stay on soft surfaces as much as possible. I can assure my left knee and calf are thanking me as I sit on a couch in the hostel typing this. 

Hostel couch view.

Secondly, it doesn't matter how much water I've drunk because day after day on the hot city streets and in stuffy metros has left me feeling less than awesome. E.G. I needed to detox.

Lastly, I'm on "aesthetic overload". I've seen a lot of amazing things over the last 2.5 weeks. A lot. My eyes needed a break and my mind, too. One can only contemplate beauty, history, and the nature of mankind for so long before their head explodes.

I'll be back at it tomorrow. 



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